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About Me 


How I Became a Quilter

In Outram,Sk


Hi! I’m Tiana Whitman, I'm 28 years old  

 Living at my parents in the shop studio!

I have 2 sister and a brother and being an entrepreneur runs in our blood!

  I quit my job after roughly 11 years of working a labour intensive construction jobs. As you could imagine, it starts to wear on your body! So now I am pursuing quilting!

I started officially quilting about a year ago. but mom has been the “sewing and fix it” master ALL our lives!

Growing up she helped each one of us make our own quilts from scratch and she constantly had a project that we could always learn something from!

  My mom is an amazing quilter and wanted to be able to completely finish off her own quilts.


So we invested in a longarm quilting machine for ourselves!

  We purchased our machine from Country Loft and Quilts, just outside of Minneapolis, USA. Hopped in the truck and away we went to learn new things!

I was mainly brought along to learn ALL the computer tech stuff so that when we brought the machine back home, I could re teach my mom how to use it, but that turned into 

“Oh I’ll just start a business with this machine lol”

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